
Lifelong Learner 📚🎧 | Self-Improvement 💪🧠 | Beta-Testing Human 🔧 This is my Krakoa

Silent Reflections

Sometimes, as I wander through these busy streets, caught in the unrelenting demands of daily life, I pause and ask: What am I really pursuing? What does it mean to live well, to feel truly fulfilled? In this land of dreams and ambition, the idea of eternal love—love without beginning or end—often whispers to me from the quiet corners of my mind. Why does this notion resonate so deeply? In a world where everything has a lifespan—careers, gadgets, even relationships—this timeless love stands out...
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ADHD in Relationships: Why Does Everything Feel Like Déjà Vu?

Your Brain is a Soap Opera on Repeat If you’ve got ADHD, you probably know how weird things can get. Like, here’s the scenario: you get mad at someone, right? Maybe it’s something small, maybe not, but you’re mad. And then… whoops, you’re not. You’ve moved on. Your brain’s already jumped to the next thought, like "Did I ever finish that snack in the fridge?" Honestly, it’s like ADHD gives you this weird ability to just forget being mad, like some emotional superhero who can’t hold a grudge. No...
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Why We Laughed When We Shouldn't Have

Taking a Trip Down Memory Lane with Vince McMahon Watching the Vince McMahon documentary on Netflix was like opening up a time capsule filled with wrestling moves and nostalgia. It took me right back to the 90s when, like every other kid, I was obsessed with pro wrestling. Whether it was trying out a Stunner on my cousins, perfecting the Rock Bottom with my friends, or throwing my brother around on our parents' bed like we were at WrestleMania—it was a golden time. I mean, who didn’t want to be...
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Unspoken Connections

Wolverine and Jean Grey's Confusing Relationship There’s something fascinating about certain relationships in comic book lore—the ones that never quite fit into a defined category, always teetering between friendship and something more. One of the most compelling of these dynamics is the story between Wolverine and Jean Grey. Their connection is intense, filled with longing, but never fully resolved. It's a perfect example of how sometimes, no matter how strong a bond feels, you can be left won...
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Goodbye to a Milestone Project 🛫

After almost 20 months, it’s time to say goodbye to a client I’ve had the pleasure of working with since November 2022. It all started with me coming in to offer some architecture advice before they signed off on a deal. Little did I know that what was supposed to be a short engagement turned into a full-on project that’s taken us right up to now, September 2024. We quickly realized this project was way bigger than anyone thought, and it grew from there. Fast forward, and today the client is li...
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From Addicts to Best Selling Authors

Their story highlights both the struggles and the strength that come with building a relationship around neurodiversity. ...
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Dirty Laundry

Book Review: Dirty Laundry by Richard Pink and Roxanne Emery After discovering my ADHD "superpowers" later in life, like many millennials, I immediately jumped online to learn more about others' experiences with late diagnoses. To my surprise, I found there wasn’t much out there. Why is that? Dirty Laundry by Richard Pink and Roxanne Emery tackles this head-on, explaining how shame keeps so many of us quiet. I had already been introduced to the concepts of shame and vulnerability through Brene...
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Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024 at 11:34 AM

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou ...
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Maulana's Five Minutes of Fame

Ah, the sweet scent of political relevance—Maulana's sudden importance seems to have everyone in Pakistan buzzing, from Imran Khan to Asif Zardari, and even the 'madaris'. It's almost as if overnight, the Maulana has become the most sought-after guest at this chaotic political circus. It’s genuinely amusing, isn’t it? Just a few weeks ago—scratch that—even just a few days ago, you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone giving him more than a passing glance. But now? Everyone’s scrambling to get on hi...
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The Slow Lane to the Future

Freezing Time and Living Longer I recently stumbled across this mind-bending Kurzgesagt video, and it really got me thinking about time and how we experience it. You know how some animals just zip through life? Like, take a fly—one minute it’s buzzing around like it owns the place, and the next, it's gone. On the flip side, you’ve got the tortoise, just taking it easy, living for what seems like forever. It’s almost as if time is moving differently for them, based on how fast or slow they’re li...
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Veiled Intentions

When you learn something new and feel so emotionally excited to share it, you can't help but tell others, hoping they'll finally understand what you've been dealing with. You thought they would share your excitement and relief at finally having an explanation. But instead, you find yourself having to defend your intentions, as if you're using this newfound understanding as an excuse. You've spent your entire life struggling with something you couldn't name, and now that it all starts to make se...
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The Age of Krakoa Reading Guide through Collected Editions

As a big fan of Marvel and X-Men, I wanted to get up to date with the latest storylines. However, I quickly realized that if I want to start from the Age of Krakoa storyline, which is just concluding, there's a lot of reading ahead. The sheer number of books, omnibuses, and volumes can be overwhelming. Since I prefer collected editions and specifically volumes over single comics, I embarked on extensive research to compile a list that would help me and others navigate through this era of X-Men. ...
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RE: Examining the PPP 2024 Manifesto through a Climate Justice Lens

Yeah, I must admit, I was naive to trust Bilawal’s words after watching him on a few podcasts before the 24 elections in Pakistan. https://munvaray.com/49343/examining-the-ppp-2024-manifesto-through-a-climate-justice-lens He seemed so convincing in all those discussions and made me buy his manjan, but once he realized he couldn’t secure the top spot, he disappeared. There's no need for him to apologize or explain—he probably won’t. We can all see how much 'leverage' PPP has. In a few months, ...
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Admiration to Reconnection

A Journey Through Time Growing up, I always looked up to my older cousin, who was more like an older brother without the bossiness that usually comes with that role. Back in the 90s, he was abroad for his studies, and I could barely see him. When he visited home, I would wait eagerly, looking out from our balcony. Those moments of anticipation were pure excitement. Who hasn’t wrestled with their siblings or cousins during the Hulk Hogan days? We certainly did, and those memories are golden. Fa...
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The Age of Krakoa Reading Guide through Collected Editions (Volumes)

As a big fan of Marvel and X-Men, I wanted to get up to date with the latest storylines. However, I quickly realized that if I want to start from the Age of Krakoa storyline, which is just concluding, there's a lot of reading ahead. The sheer number of books, omnibuses, and volumes can be overwhelming. Since I prefer collected editions and specifically volumes over single comics, I embarked on extensive research to compile a list that would help me and others navigate through this era of X-Men. ...
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Cringe: When Sahil called a woman Jahil!?

This infuriating video featuring Sahil Adeem popped up on my feed recently. Now, I don’t usually follow him or the channel, but this time the internet was in an uproar, so I thought, why not check it out? Uh! #Cringe, Big mistake. What I witnessed was nothing short of a disaster. Here’s the lowdown: Adeem had previously made a ridiculous statement claiming that 90% of women are 'jahil' (ignorant, illiterate, rude). In this latest episode, a brave woman asked him to apologize for his previous re...
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گوگل اور ایپل کی متوقع ڈیل: کیا ہونے والا ہے؟

سنا ہے کہ ایپل، گوگل Gemini میں دلچسپی رکھتا ہے۔ ایپل کو میٹا لاما نے کچھ متاثر نہیں کیا، اور اب Siri کے پیچھے گوگل Gemini کا استعمال ہو سکتا ہے۔ ہو سکتا ہے کہ ایپل کی باقی Apple Intelligence بھی اسی پر چلنے لگے۔مزہ تب آئے گا اگر ایپل آپ کو "Bring Your Own AI" کا آپشن دے۔ اس طرح صارفین اپنی پسندیدہ AI ٹیکنالوجی کا استعمال کر سکیں گے، جو کہ واقعی ایک انقلابی قدم ہو گا۔ لیکن، میرا خیال ہے کہ اتنی بڑی کمپنیاں صارفین کو مکمل آزادی دینے کے لیے تیار نہیں ہوں گی۔ وہ ہمیشہ اپنے کنٹرول میں سب کچھ رکھیں گ...
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The Pakistani Experience - just another day

I recently joined a live session of a podcast by a stand-up comedian and satirist on YouTube, and let me tell you, it was a riot. The host, known for his razor-sharp roasting skills, invited his followers to join the session live on air. It was the perfect blend of humor and interactivity, with the host sharpening his jokes and fans throwing back some solid comebacks. Everything was going great – people were taking the jabs in stride and dishing them right back. Then, it happened. A young lady ...
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Defending Your Right to Happiness

Dealing with the Hypocrites Who Criticize Your Happiness I'm mad and pissed off. It's incredibly maddening when people enjoy their own happy moments but feel the need to criticize others for sharing theirs, especially by using serious issues like the situation in Palestine as a weapon. You post something about your personal happiness, and immediately these assholes jump in with, "Why are you celebrating when children are dying in Palestine? You should be doing something about it instead." They...
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HubSpot: The Missing Piece in Google's Customer Interaction Management

It struck me that HubSpot could be the crucial component Google needs to create a seamless B2B2C solution. When you look at the competition, AWS has Connect and Contact Lens, Microsoft has Dynamics and Nuance, and Salesforce boasts Service Cloud Voice (SCV), Omni, and Einstein. These platforms provide robust customer service and engagement stacks. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) needs to develop a similarly comprehensive solution to stay competitive. Recently, Google has been making some big moves...
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Life Beyond Laundry

I'll start with the famous golden words from Baldev Singh: "Ja Simran, ja jeele apni zindagi." These words have always resonated with me. They echo the freedom and joy of living life on your own terms—a concept that's both liberating and daunting. As we go through life, it's easy to get caught up in the endless cycle of responsibilities—work, family, bills. It often feels like there’s no time left for ourselves. But here's the thing: once you've got your family fed, healthy, and the bills ...
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Musk in China 2.0

Elon Musk's meeting with China's Premier Li Qiang is an interesting development that shows how tech companies work with national governments. The shifting dynamics of global tech leadership and Musk's engagement with one of China's top officials are not just about business. Musk's visit to China, his second in less than a year, comes at a crucial time. China has promised a welcoming environment for foreign businesses, stressing an open market and better service guarantees. This is significant f...
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مجھے بار بار صدا نہ دے. میری حسرتوں کو ہوا نہ دے. میرے دل میں آتشِ عشق ہے. میری آگ تجھ کو جلا نہ دے. ...
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Tuesday, Apr 23, 2024 at 2:36 PM

I always try to exercise caution in my communication, particularly when it comes to delegating roles or expressing needs within a project. For instance, I consciously avoid making statements such as, "We really need you for this specific aspect of the project." My concern is that such expressions might confine someone to a narrowly defined role, potentially causing them to lose sight of the broader value they bring. This could lead to a reduced sense of their overall contribution, which I find c...
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Pride and Puzzlement

🌟 Feeling a mix of excitement and skepticism today! I've just received an invitation to be profiled in the Who's Who in America's 2024 edition. It’s truly an honor to be recognized, and part of me is thrilled at the possibility! 🎉 However, I can't shake off a bit of doubt – am I really deserving of this recognition? As a small-time technologist, it feels surreal to be considered alongside some of the most influential figures. And, of course, there’s that nagging worry: I hope this isn't one of ...
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The Curious Afterlife of Your Ex-Phone Numbers

Have you ever thought about what happens to your old phone numbers once you're done with them? It's worth giving it some thought, because just like expired domain names, scammers and spammers are quick to claim these abandoned numbers. Imagine this: your old number is still floating around on the internet, and even though you’ve moved on, someone might stumble upon it and try to reach you. But instead of finding you, they end up talking to a debt collector or, even more bizarrely, connecting to...
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Secret Lines and Sesame Street

When you're a junior engineer at a tech giant, you never expect your daily tasks to intersect with global security issues—let alone involve troubleshooting for figures like the Secretary of Defense under President Obama back in 2010. But life has a funny way of dialing up the unexpected. It was just another day at the office when I was handed what was possibly the highest-profile job a voice engineer could get: fixing a secure communication line used by none other than Robert Gates himself. No ...
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Light Up Your Garden: The Enchanting World of Firefly Petunias

As an amateur gardener with a modest backyard, I recently stumbled upon a gem in the realm of gardening that immediately caught my eye - the Firefly Petunia, also known as the "night-glow" petunia. These fascinating flowers, celebrated for their ability to emit a soft, luminescent light at night, were introduced to me through a blog post last year, sparking an instant fascination. Eager to delve into this new gardening venture, I quickly placed an order for these enchanting blooms. Just a few da...
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GCP 101

🌐 GCP is Google's suite of cloud computing services, offering a wide range of tools and services for building and running applications in the cloud. With its vast ecosystem, it can be daunting to know where to begin. That's why I've curated a focused learning path to help you navigate GCP with ease and unlock its world of possibilities! 🚀 Think of GCP as a massive toolbox filled with various tools (services) that enable you to build and run applications efficiently in the cloud, without worryin...
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Salesforce 101

🌟 Jumping into Salesforce? 🚀 It's way easier than you'd expect, and I'm here to share why and how! After navigating through the maze myself, I discovered tons of resources like Trailhead's game-like learning and supportive communities. I'm passing these gems on because I know how tricky starting can feel. If my journey can ease yours, that's my goal achieved. Let's dive in together and make this learning curve a fun ride! 🎓✨ For someone with basic CRM or technology understanding, here's a focus...
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